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Modern web design to future-proof your business as it grows

We design and develop web solutions customised to your needs, that will support and encourage your business to grow. A beautifully crafted website will not just help you stand out from competitors, but also increase your conversion rates.
DoItLondon Website Design

Why is UI & UX so important?

The success of a website is often reflected in how good the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are. The UI refers to the visual elements a user interacts with like buttons, menus, icons, etc to create an aesthetic look. Whilst UX focuses on the complete experience a user has from entry to exit. Identifying and rectifying pain points that could see the user leaving prematurely. The goal of both is to ensure the user stays on-page or returns, they must feel they've found all they want easily and quickly, with as little friction as possible.

Which content management system to use?

There's no definitive answer to which CMS is best. There are positives and negatives to them all. We prefer WordPress as it's always been an adaptable platform for businesses to grow. It's also a cost-efficient CMS to build a website with a lot of functionality without extensive development. MPH have been working with WordPress for more than 10 years and have found it to be very flexible for almost any industry. If you're looking for an e-commerce CMS with lower maintenance, Shopify is a great option, but what you save in maintenance can add up in subscriptions for Apps.

How to improve performance & search ranking?

Search engines all have their own algorithms that will determine which website to rank higher. The variables commonly include site load speed, image and code optimisation, content formatting and obviously the quality of the content itself. If you already have a website, you can use free online tools to see how your site performs or request a company like ours to perform a site health check. Unfortunately, websites are very much like car engines, they have so many integrating parts that need fine-tuning to improve the performance and if you don't get the right balance it can have the opposite effect.

Does your website need some TLC?

Our goal is to build long-standing client relationships, not to just deliver on a project and set you on your way. All too often we see this with other agencies. On many occasions, we've been recommended or approached to help resolve issues with websites, as the original creators aren't interested or their costs have increased. If this is you, our door is always open to offer your website some TLC. Our team are friendly and always willing to help no matter how big or small the issue.

Supercharge your brand new website

Need some extra service to complement your new website? We've got you covered.

Digital Marketing

Successful brands don't just happen, they're planned and nurtured. That's where we come in. We uncover how and where to grow your brand online with strategies that will reach the right people at the right time.

Corporate Identity & Branding

Not only do we create new brands, but we also re-imagine old ones. We follow the trends and evaluate the marketplace to transform brands into professional powerhouses.

Let’s see how we can help you!

We’d love to join forces with you to discuss your web project or hear about your new startup idea.